The House of Eve” by Sadeqa Johnson is a powerful story set in the 1950s that follows the lives of two young women, Ruby and Eleanor. This book explores important themes like race, class, and what it means to be a woman during this time. With its rich historical background and well-crafted characters, Johnson brings attention to the struggles and strength of Black women.
The House of Eve
New Look for Winchester Downtown Program Corporation
Recently, I teamed up with the Winchester Downtown Program Corporation to develop a new look for its website. The Winchester Downtown Program Corporation is a nonprofit corporation focused on both bringing new small businesses to the Winchester downtown district and supporting those already there. They manage the downtown revitalization grant and played a crucial role in the district’s gaining Tennessee…
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Italy / Tuscany Photography: Olive Tree
This photo was taken while I was in Tuscany on a walk from the birth home of Leonardo da Vinci to the town of Vinci, Italy. I love the twists and bends of the olive tree and how the sun peeks through the leaves. On the day of the walk, the sun was bright and warm. The new growth of…
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Tennessee Photography – Sunflower Dreams
Since this is my first blog post for my new fine art site, I thought I’d start by introducing one of my recent additions to my collection. While the photo itself is one that was taken last fall – it is newly discovered photo. I’ll be sure to highlight some of my older favorites in future posts as well. I…
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